Bon Appétit Standards
Our contracted pork is gestation-crate free with sows living in group housing. Our supplier limits its use of farrowing crates to the period before piglets are weaned, and is actively testing more humane farrowing practices and environments. Since 2016, our pork has come from animals never given non-therapeutic antibiotics or growth promoters.
We are the first food service company to have made the switch to pork from sows raised without dependence on gestation crates and the first to have set a defined target on more humane farrowing, tail docking, and castration methods. (Being a pioneer hasn’t been easy – watch our own Maisie Ganzler’s TEDxManhattan talk on YouTube about the challenges of meeting our gestation crate target.)
In addition, many Bon Appétit chefs also buy local, pasture-raised pork through our Farm to Fork program.